
Fri, 05/13/2022

KU celebrates undergraduate research

LAWRENCE — Over 215 undergraduate students participated in the 25th annual Undergraduate Research Symposium this year at the University of Kansas. The symposium was entirely online and features oral and poster presentations as well as artist talks and creative displays from many disciplines. Presentations can still be viewed on the...

Thu, 05/12/2022

Center for Undergraduate Research honors students, mentors

LAWRENCE — In early May, the University of Kansas Center for Undergraduate Research honored the winners of the Courtwright Award for Undergraduate Research Excellence and the Undergraduate Research Mentor Awards. ...

Tue, 03/01/2022

KU students to present at Kansas Undergraduate Research Days

LAWRENCE — Ten University of Kansas students will participate in the 2022 Kansas Undergraduate Research Days, which will be March 2-3. ...

Wed, 06/09/2021

12 KU students receive Undergraduate Research Awards for Summer

This summer, 12 KU students will receive Undergraduate Research Awards (UGRAs). UGRA recipients are awarded a $1,000 scholarship as they work on mentored research and creative projects. ...

Media Contacts

Erin Wolfram

Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships