NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program

The NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (NSF-GRFP) funds U.S.-citizen students in or entering research-focused Master’s or Ph.D. programs in NSF supported fields. Fellowships pay $34,000 per year plus a $12,000 cost-of-education allowance over three years (usable in a five-year fellowship period). The National deadline is in late October.
Canvas Course Module
The Office of Fellowships has created a course module in Canvas with videos to assist you with the NSF-GRFP application process. Email ewolfram@ku.edu to request access.
- be a US citizen, US national, or permanent resident
- intend to pursue a research-based Master’s or Ph.D. program in a GRFP-supported field such as computer and information science, engineering, materials research, psychology, social sciences, STEM education and learning, chemistry, geosciences, mathematics, physics, or astronomy
- be enrolled in an eligible program at an accredited United States graduate institution, with a US campus, by fall following selection
- be at an early stage in your graduate career
- have completed no more than one academic year of full-time graduate study (or the equivalent)
Graduate students are limited to only one application to the GRFP, submitted either in the first year or in the second year of graduate school.
If you are not sure if you qualify, complete the eligibility questionnaire.
Access more information about the NSF-GRFP application process.
National: can vary but likely October