Mitchell Scholarship

Student conducting research outside surrounded by trees looking at specimen vials

NOTICE: The Mitchell Scholarship program is currently on pause! New applications are not being accepted.

This award requires campus endorsement; therefore, you must first participate in the campus competition which occurs each spring. The campus deadline is typically at the end of May; however, this program is currently not accepting applications.

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship funds one year of study in any field at a university in Ireland or Northern Ireland. Scholars, who must be U.S. citizens, typically complete a one-year graduate degree. Up to 12 scholars are selected each year.

Selection Criteria

  • an exceptional academic record (3.7 minimum GPA)
  • demonstrated leadership
  • commitment to public service

The George J. Mitchell Scholarship Program pays for tuition, housing, a living expenses stipend, and an international travel stipend. KU students apply for nomination in the spring of their junior year or up to age 29 (as of October 1 on the year of the competition). Email the Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships at for more details.


The program is currently on pause. Updates will made if/when the program reopens.

KU Recent Award Winners

Kathryn Ammon was selected as KU's first Mitchell Scholar in 2018, and Alexander Murray became the second in 2019.