A person standing on a balcony look at the inside of the Kanas Capitol building

Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

Each year, KU selects undergraduate students to share their research and creative projects with state lawmakers along with students from other Kansas Board of Regents institutions.

Apply to Present (currently closed)

2025 Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol

(Details to come!)

Five KU students will be selected to join their peers from the other Kansas Board of Regents (KBOR) public four-year universities:

  • Research projects that impact and benefit the state of Kansas are preferred but not required.

  • Students will present their research virtually in poster format to legislators and other members of state government.

  • The purpose of this event is to demonstrate the unique opportunities undergraduate students have to participate with faculty members in research at KBOR universities.

General information

All full-time, currently enrolled undergraduate students in good academic standing are eligible. Students in all majors and of all nationalities are encouraged to apply (currently closed).

  • Presenters will be required to attend a one-hour presenter's workshop. The workshop will be held in early February. The date is TBD based on availability of presenters.

  • Selected presenters will be provided an email template, and they will be expected to email their Kansas hometown legislators by TBD.

  • Presenters will need to have a student biographical statement of no more than 125 words for the application. 

  • Please be aware that student presentation materials must be uploaded to the online event site typically 3-5 days prior to the event. Washburn University is coordinating this year's event. They will determine the presentation submission deadline which will be posted here once that deadline has been determined.

  • The presentation submission link will be provided to each presenter.

  • The online event will be asynchronous and public. More details will be added in January.

  • Presenters should plan on checking and responding to comments on their presentation at least twice (AM & PM) during the event.

To apply:

  • Apply now (currently closed).The application deadline TBD.
  • Applicants will be notified of selection decisions no later than TBD.

The application form includes:

  • A brief abstract written for a general audience; and
  • A brief explanation of how the research impacts and benefits the state of Kansas.


If you need help writing the abstract, consider visiting the KU Writing Center and/or seek advice from your research mentor(s). These abstract examples (.docx) may be helpful too! 

Yes. Many students will be in the middle of a research project in February. We encourage these students to present at the event and share with others their research questions, what work has already been accomplished, and what work is yet to be done.

The Kansas Undergraduate Research Day at the Capitol is an opportunity for a select group of undergraduate students to share their research with state of Kansas decision makers. You will also have the opportunity to view and comment on presentations by your peers from other Kansas universities.

Please complete the online application by TBD.

Yes. The Center for Undergraduate Research & Fellowships will host a presentation preparation meeting before the Kansas Undergraduate Research Days event to assist students in designing a poster of their research and to prepare them to present.