Post a Research Opportunity

Research mentors interested in connecting with an undergraduate researcher can post a volunteer research opportunity online. Undergraduate research opportunities are listed through the HireJayhawks platform and advertised with students across campus. This is only for unpaid opportunities (volunteer or course credit); paid undergraduate research opportunities should be posted through KU's employment website.

Research opportunities can be remote or in-person.  All opportunities should comply with university safety precautions and guidelines from the KU Office of Research.

This is how the process works:

  1. Research mentors submit an opportunity through the online research opportunities form.

  2. The Center posts your opportunity on the list of online postings and advertises to students.

  3. Interested students email the research mentor directly to apply for the opportunity.

  4. The student and mentor talk to see if it will be a good fit. 

  5. Once the position has been filled, the research mentor fills out an online form to let us know the student's name, and the Center can either take down the posting or leave it up so more students can be found.

Positions are posted for 60 days or until they are filled. It is expected that all opportunities posted through the Center will make the student's educational experience a priority. Opportunities posted here should only be for academic research; if you are interested in posting a general internship, contact the University Career Center.

Mentor Eligibility

  • Faculty and research staff:  All KU faculty (Lawrence campus, Edwards campus, and KU Medical Center) are eligible to submit research opportunities through the Center for Undergraduate Research, as are many KU employees who are actively conducting research through their role at KU (research scientists, academic staff, etc.).  Research staff should get permission from their supervisor/PI before submitting an opportunity. 

  • Graduate students: If a graduate student would like to post an opportunity that is directly tied to the faculty advisor's research, the opportunity should be posted by the faculty member.  If a graduate student would like to post an opportunity related to their own research project, they should consult with their faculty advisor before posting the opportunity. 

We would like to have a diverse set of opportunities (sciences, professional schools, arts, etc.) available for students, so we encourage people from all departments to submit opportunities.  Please email us at if you have a question about your eligibility as a mentor.

Viewing Other Research Postings

Because research opportunities are listed behind a login, you will need to create an account to be able to view other faculty member's postings through the live site.  If you would like to do this, complete the following steps:

  1. Fill out this quick form to create a faculty account on HireJayhawks.

  2. Once you have an account, you can log in to HireJayhawks.

  3. There should be a "Shortcuts" box on the right-hand side that lists different groupings of opportunities; click on "Undergraduate Research Opportunities." 

  4. This should pull up a list of all the research postings through our office. Note that this may also include research-related internships or other postings that are not through the Center for Undergraduate Research.