Emme Schatz - Marshall and Gates Cambridge Scholarships Nominee
Emme is a graduate student earning a master’s in architecture.
Emmelea Schatz,from Libertyville, Illinois, is the daughter of Joseph Schatz and Patricia Mulder and a graduate of Libertyville High School. She is in her final year of the Master of Architecture program in the housing and social entrepreneurship pathway. She is planning a career researching environmentally protective design technology and integrating sustainable construction technologies within public and civic urban spaces. Schatz is involved in design research in the workshop of Keith Van de Riet, professor of architecture, studying ecologically restorative seawall infrastructure on the Florida coastline. In addition, she led the first KU student group traveling to Ecuador to participate in a design-build community project that instructs future design leaders on solutions addressing climate change and economic resiliency through sustainable building materials. Schatz also served as events director, Earth coordinator, and student gardener through the KU Center of Community Outreach and is currently completing an architectural internship at Future Firm in Chicago.
Fun facts about Emme!
- Her favorite KU memory is meeting her best friend at the Scholarship Hall Olympics.
- Her favorite study spot is the 1st floor at Anschutz Library because it is very quiet.
- This semester, she is looking forward to more KU basketball games at Allen Fieldhouse.